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Power of Positive Thinking & Mindset Benefits

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Do you feel overwhelmed?

Are you stuck thinking about negative events in your past?

Power of Positive


Until you realize just how perceptive and powerful your mind is, you won’t feel it necessary to work on your mindset daily. Whether you choose to or not is entirely up to you but remember that your brain is constantly listening to the words you speak and the thoughts you allow it to focus on.  I promise you, what you focus on will be what expands in your life. So, don’t dwell on negative emotions, thoughts, or events in your past. Together, we’ll learn how to find the lesson and see the opportunity that each challenge in our lives is providing for personal growth.


If you already work on your mindset and want to learn more about personal growth, you may want to check out the Importance of Self Reflection for Growth Mindset in order to determine where you are and the values that you want to prioritize in your life.


This article will teach you what it takes to live with a positive mindset and discuss the incredible benefits that will truly impact your overall well-being.


First, let’s discuss the difference between positive thinking and a positive mind, you will need both to reap the rewards. Positive thinking is a technique we use to change our attitude. For instance, if I start my day with positive affirmations about my life then my mind will be in a better place and when negative things occur, I will more easily be able to overcome them. You possess a positive mind when you can visualize your future and expect positive outcomes, it will also help you to see the best in others as well as yourself. Both things need constant work to maintain.


So, let’s breakdown some of the traits you’ll need to embody a positive mindset.


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Hey Peeps!


Welcome to all, but especially those that need an escape from the daily grind. 


I'm Amy B, the writer, editor-in-chief and HBIC at Change N Focus. My mission is to inspire each of you to travel & explore the great outdoors, empower you to be the best YOU and truly LIVE the life of your dreams!


Check out About Amy B to read more about my journey.


Power of Positive

FREE Mindset Mastery Tips

What You Focus on Will Expand in Your Life



If you don't decide to control what your mind thinks, something else will. Your brain looks for clues to filter your environment and guide your actions and it will pick up ANY available influence. 


Remember that your brain is eager to set you up for success, but you must INSTRUCT it.


Mindset Mastery Tips is available FREE for LIMITED TIME ONLY, all you have to do is enter your email so that Amy B can send you these life changing tips today!


Traits Positive Mindset

Defining Traits of a Positive Mindset


Self-Awareness is important, because we must understand who we are and what we want to define a clear path to achieving our goals and dreams.


Integrity is the adherence to your moral and ethical principles, in other words, your moral character. A life with integrity is important to me, because my moral beliefs are a big part of who I am and how I see the world. If you act outside of your moral compass, then a positive mindset will be difficult to maintain because your life won’t have balance.


Grit & Resilience to me are one in the same. The term grit has just been made more popular these days. To achieve a positive mindset, you must have the ability to recover from and adapt to change and adversity. Grit does take it a little further in that you must show courage in forging ahead when faced with adversity.


Forgiveness is a powerful tool to let go of negative feelings or events in the past. Resentment will allow your mind to continue to hold on and focus on the negative emotions that you must let go of to move forward in life.


Acceptance is really an understanding of others and willingness to be open to other ideas and opinions.  After all, isn’t that what each of us want from others, to be heard with an open mind and shown acceptance.


Gratitude might be one of the strongest tools for a positive mind. Being truly thankful for what we have and have been blessed with brings joy and happiness into our lives. Showing gratitude toward others is also a sign of a great leader. Leadership doesn’t exist without others and therefore leaders must show appreciation and thank those around them for sharing in this journey.


Optimism is the ultimate achievement of the power of a positive mindset. An optimistic person doesn’t just look at the world through positive lenses but anticipates the best and most favorable outcomes possible. Optimism is the belief that the world is the best possible world and when your mind achieves this level of thinking, anything is possible.


Benefits Positive Mindset

Benefits of a Positive Mindset


Why work on your mindset every day? The benefits of maintaining a positive mindset will help you be the best you and live your best life.


Quality of Life – Your mindset can either have a negative or positive affect on your mental AND physical health. That’s right, I said your mind can affect your physical health. I was told by doctors that my Crohn’s symptoms would return in 10 years and the fear of what was to come caused many other problems for my digestive health.  Once I was able to break that thought pattern, my health improved drastically.


Cope with Stress – Our ability to cope with stress is ten-fold with a positive mindset. Stress also effects your mental AND physical health. Think about this…you start your day thinking of things you are grateful about your life and feeling truly blessed, when a challenge comes your way that afternoon, your mind will have the power to see the opportunity and view the challenge in a different light because of the positive focus from earlier that day.  Sounds simple, but again what you focus on will expand so don’t let small negative things, become daunting experiences. Love the great outdoors, then find out How to Relieve Stress in Nature.


Increase lifespan – With a powerful positive mind comes health and happiness which has been shown to increase your lifespan. Don’t we all want to live life to the fullest and experience everything life has to offer?


Decrease depression – Depression seems to be widespread these days and while there are lots of things that cause depression, working on your self-care and mindset each day means that you know your self-worth and want to improve your life. Those acts will naturally decrease the chances of depression. I’m not a doctor or have any kind of medical license but honestly believe that personal growth is a constant journey of discovery and only good things come from focusing on your health.


Overcome adversity – A positive mind will help you adapt to change and open your mind to see the opportunities in the negative situations that will arise in our lives. But you must have a strong mind that you work on daily for this to occur when the challenge arises. A positive mindset can always help you come back from adversity, but a positive mind will help you overcome at a faster pace.


Increase happiness & joy – With less stress, worry and the ability to overcome overwhelm will come a peace and happiness like you may have never imagined. Your happiness is completely dependent on YOU, do not let others determine your happiness.


Live genuine life of impact – We cannot truly make an impact for others until we live a fulfilling life filled with self-love, confidence, and genuine want to helps others.


Achieve Your Success – You should define what success looks like for your life, no one else can decide that for you. And a daily self-care routine can help create a path to that success and keep you motivated.


Become Significant – Your goal shouldn’t be just to be successful, but to become significant!  Live your purpose whatever it may be. My purpose is to share love and kindness and make life a little easier for others.


Live the Life of Your Dreams – The true meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away and impact the lives of others.



FREE Mindset Mastery Tips

What You Focus on Will Expand in Your Life



If you don't decide to control what your mind thinks, something else will. Your brain looks for clues to filter your environment and guide your actions and it will pick up ANY available influence. 


Remember that your brain is eager to set you up for success, but you must INSTRUCT it.


Mindset Mastery Tips is available FREE for LIMITED TIME ONLY, all you have to do is enter your email so that Amy B can send you these life changing tips today!


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Power of Positive Thinking & Mindset

Power of Positive Thinking & Mindset

Master Your Mind Before it Controls You

Benefits of a Positive Mind


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Tallahassee, Florida |

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